Séminaire Invitée
« Comment étudier ces cellules qui produisent des minéraux ? », - Février 2018, Apérosciences du MNHN, MNHN, Paris
conversion of CO2 into carbonate and its enzymatic mediation:
Isotopic study”, 20 Janvier 2017, Unité Écologie fonctionnelle et physique de
l’environnement, INRA, Bordeaux, France
“Out of equilibrium d18O and variable d13C as a tracer of metabolism in
bacterially mediated carbonates”, 6 Mars 2016, Department of Earth and
Planetary Sciences, Weizmann Institute
of Sciences, Rehovot, Israel
Thaler C, Yam R, Shemesh A, Ader M & Halevy I (2016) Experimental
Investigation of Kinetic Isotope Effects on Oxygen during CO2 Hydroxylation -
Goldschmidt Abstracts, 3114, Poster, Goldschmidt
Conference, Yokohama
Organisatrice d’une
session à la conférence Goldschmidt
Conference (Yokohama 2016) : 17b: New Approaches to Highlight Isotopic Equilibrium and
Disequilibrium Recorded in Carbonates from Traditional Isotopes to Clumped
Isotopes and Triple Oxygen Isotopes. John C M, Thaler C, Tanaka R, Pack
A, Sharp Z.
Thaler C, Ader M, Aloisi G, Guyot F & Ménez B
(2015) Out of equilibrium δ18O and variable δ13C as a tracer of metabolism in bacterially mediated
carbonates - Goldschmidt Abstracts, 3107, Poster, Goldschmidt Conference, Prague
Thaler C, Aloisi G, Ader M, Guyot F & Ménez B
(2014), Implications of bacterial activity in the recorded δ13C and δ18O in carbonates during a passive
biomineralisation, Oral, Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, Pau
Thaler C, Ader M, Ménez B & Guyot F
(2014) Out of equilibrium δ18O CaCO3 in microbial carbonates: A
subsurface biomineralization tracer? - Mineralogical Magazine, 77(5) 2467, Oral, Goldschmidt Conference, Sacramento
Thaler C, Ader M, Ménez B & Guyot F
(2013) Discovery of a "vital" bacterial effect in
the formation of biogenic carbonates -
Mineralogical Magazine, 77(5) 2325,
Oral, Goldschmidt Conference, Florence
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